Automated Enterprises International, Inc

Making Technology Productive


Business Development

AEI can help you produce a comprehensive plan that combines your marketing and sales program into a process that accelerates successful growth. Technology and business solutions vendors' with a good product offering get more business easier when they have name recognition and a history of successes.

Success' = good products + name recognition + success

In fact, a good business development plan produces more than incremental results. Our experience reveals that a good business development process compounds the successes.


Business development for market entry

If your company is a new entry into the insurance market, your company needs a good business development strategy. You only get one chance to make a first impression. That first impression is a major factor in determining your future trajectory

Business development for expansion

If you’re a vendor that is trying to expand your influence in a market, your company needs a good development strategy to capitalize on your history and leverage it into new business. Business development requires designing and executing a comprehensive program that takes an unknown company to a recognized force in a specific market through measured progress and successes.

Our business development approach

  1. Identify the product (determine what the product is and package it)
  2. Announce (establish name presence)
  3. Prove (establishes a physical presence with engagements)
  4. Document (describe successful engagements)
  5. Inform (manages the communication with the press to provide market exposure through staged press releases of measured progress)

Initial strategic planning is the point where a team establishes the specific stages and general steps for the plan. Some of the steps must remain dynamic based on which engagements occur.
